Trading on iTrustCapital

The iTrustCapital platform is designed to make trading as simple and efficient as possible. Here’s an overview of the trading process:

1. Selecting Assets

From your dashboard, you can view the available assets for trading. iTrustCapital offers a wide range of cryptocurrencies and precious metals. Each asset is listed with its current price, allowing you to make informed trading decisions.

2. Placing Trades

To place a trade, select the asset you wish to buy or sell and enter the amount. The platform will display the estimated transaction fees and total cost. Once you’ve reviewed the details, confirm the trade. iTrustCapital executes trades quickly, ensuring you can take advantage of market opportunities in real-time.

3. Monitoring Your Portfolio

Your dashboard provides an overview of your portfolio’s performance. You can track the value of your investments, view transaction history, and access performance charts. iTrustCapital also offers tools to help you analyze market trends and make strategic investment decisions.